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CALeVIP has EV charger rebates available that can cover up to 75% of installation costs. Rebates for Level 2 and DC fast chargers are available by region on a first-come, first-served basis until funding runs out. As with all CALeVIP rebates, applicants have access to free technical assistance!
Learn more about available funding and how to apply.
Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 charger project!
Level 2 Chargers
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger
Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 or DC fast charger project!
Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Alameda County
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger
Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 or DC fast charger project!
Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger
Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 or DC fast charger project!
Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Butte, El Dorado, Imperial, Kings, Merced, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tulare, and Yolo Counties
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger

Presented in partnership with City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU), Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE), San José Clean Energy (SJCE), Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) and Silicon Valley Power (SVP)

Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger

Presented in partnership with San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD)

Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
San Diego County
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger

Presented in partnership with Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) and Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (NSCAPCD)

Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Mendocino and Sonoma Counties
Level 2 up to $7,500 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger
Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 or DC fast charger project!
Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Fresno, Kern, And San Joaquin Counties
Level 2 up to $5,000 per Connector, DC Fast Charger up to $80,000 per Charger

Presented in partnership with 3CE - Central Coast Community Energy

Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Monterey, San Benito, And Santa Cruz Counties
Level 2 up to $6,500 per Connector, DC Fast Charger up to $80,000 per Charger

Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 or DC fast charger project!

Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Humboldt, Shasta, and Tehama Counties
Level 2 up to $7,500 per Connector, DC Fast Charger up to $80,000 per Charger

Presented in partnership with Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Sacramento County
Level 2 up to $6,500 per Connector, DC Fast Charger up to $80,000 per Charger
Apply to receive a rebate for your next DC fast charger purchase and installation project!
DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties
Up to $80,000

Apply to receive a rebate for your next Level 2 EV charger purchase and installation project!

Level 2 Chargers
Fresno County
Up to $7,000