Planning Resources

List Your Business

List your business with CALeVIP today!
1. Claim public company listing
2. Add
contact information
3. Verify
your published profile
4. Grow
your programs and services

Want to generate more leads and grow your EV charging business?

CALeVIP Connects is a free online directory that allows customers interested in installing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to find, learn about and connect with California EV service providers. CALeVIP Connects funnels customers directly to you!

  • Provide EV charging site hosts with information on services and programs
  • Enable site hosts to access your company’s EV contacts and experts directly
  • Add your name, logo and links to your programs in the business description
  • Become listed on the only free, public and comprehensive EV infrastructure directory

Add Your Business Profile

Please enter business name as you would like it to appear on your profile.
Select the service category that best describes your business.
Select all the additional service categories that your business provides.
Select all that apply.
Required url format
Include a description of your business focusing on aspects you would like to emphasize with potential site hosts.
Enter your California contractor license number
Enter standards your equipment is designed to or operates within.
Select all EV charger levels that you sell, install, or service.
Provide the charging network name as you want it to appear in the profile.
Select the most appropriate type to describe your business.
Incentive Name URL
Required url format
Required url format
Required url format
Name of the contact who will field most or all inquiries for services.
Name of the contact who will field most or all inquiries for services.
For the contact who will field most or all inquiries for services.
All correspondence will be sent to this address.

Disclaimer: CALeVIP Connects is a resource for anyone, anywhere, who is interested in purchasing and/or installing EV chargers. Companies listed on CALeVIP Connects may not be eligible to participate in CALeVIP. Contractors listed are not verified for current EVITP certification, state licenses, may not pass CALeVIP’s past performance criteria (in development), and some manufacturer’s chargers may not meet the CALeVIP equipment eligibility requirements. It is up to users of this tool to do their due diligence to make sure companies qualify for the specific funding program they are interested in.