Find EV Charging Providers

Connect with businesses that can help you with your EV charging needs
Manufacturers of electric vehicle chargers
Contractors that install electric vehicle chargers
Businesses that provide network services for electric vehicle chargers
Electric load serving entities like utilities and community choice aggregators
Businesses that sell equipment manufactured by others

Disclaimer: CALeVIP Connects is a resource for anyone, anywhere, who is interested in purchasing and/or installing EV chargers. Companies listed on CALeVIP Connects may not be eligible to participate in CALeVIP. Contractors listed are not verified for current EVITP certification, state licenses, may not pass CALeVIP’s past performance criteria (in development), and some manufacturer’s chargers may not meet the CALeVIP equipment eligibility requirements. It is up to users of this tool to do their due diligence to make sure companies qualify for the specific funding program they are interested in.