Applicant Resources

EV Charging Station Permitting Guidebook


As the demand for electric vehicle (EV) chargers continues to grow throughout California, it’s important that cities, counties and developers collaborate to simplify and accelerate installations. To help businesses and communities work together to expand the state’s EV charging network, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) developed the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook.

Created with input from the California Energy Commission, Center for Sustainable Energy and other organizations and stakeholders, the guidebook focuses on EV charging planning, permitting, accessibility and grid connection standards. These recommendations create a roadmap to more streamlined and transparent permitting processes, provide mechanisms to accelerate EV charging installations and help the state meet its climate and air quality goals.

To learn more, watch a recording of the Streamlining Permit Processing for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) workshop. This video, hosted by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and CALeVIP, focuses on available EVCS permitting tools and resources as well as best practices that can help your jurisdiction comply with California law and get to “green” on the state’s GO-Biz EVCS Permitting Streamlining Map. Achieving green status will facilitate the installation of EVCS and help residents and business owners get ready for rebates from CALeVIP.

Access the slides used in the Streamlining Permit Processing for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations workshop.

The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permit Streamlining Map tracks progress toward statewide adoption and highlights communities that have implemented best practices.

Additional Resources


Planning Your Installation

Get started planning your EV charging project.

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Accessible EV Parking Requirements

Learn how to make your EV charging station ADA compliant.


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