Applicant Resources
Resources for Property Owners
Why Become a Charging Station Host?
No matter what kind of property you own, EV charging is a green amenity that can enhance the attractiveness of your property and provide benefits for all property owners. Whether it’s an apartment complex, workplace or commercial location, installing EV charging will provide you with a competitive edge. Best of all, CALeVIP can provide you with incentives to decrease the cost of your charger purchase and installation.
Considerations for Property Owners and Managers

How many chargers do I need?
Ideally, charging infrastructure should be planned to serve current demand and growth in the future. A Simple EV Charging Demand Survey or a meeting to discuss charging interests and expectations can be useful ways to gauge potential demand. Knowing how many employees, residents or guests are likely to need EV charging and how long they might need to charge daily can inform both the type of EV charger required and how many are needed.

Where should I put the chargers?
When considering charger locations on your property, it’s important to think about proximity to the electrical source and overall accessibility. Minimizing the distance to the power source will make the installation easier and minimize the costs. Ensure your installation supports equitable access to all users by understanding federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility provisions early in your planning process. Learn more about Accessible EV Parking Requirements and Dimensions

Can my charging project be coordinated with other planned facility upgrades?
It can be more cost-effective to install EV charging equipment along with other projects like landscaping or lighting upgrades. California already requires new buildings to make provisions for future EV charging at the time of construction, such as requiring sufficient electrical service to support charging. A qualified EV service provider (EVSP) can help you plan around other upgrades.
Additional Resources
General Eligibility and Requirements
Find out if you may be eligible for CALeVIP rebates and learn about basic requirements.
EV Charging Station Permitting Guidebook
Learn about general planning, permitting, accessibility and grid connection.