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Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project

Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties
Level 2 Chargers
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector, DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger

The Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project is no longer accepting applications, but more rebates might be available through CALeVIP. Additional funding opportunities for Level 2 chargers may be available through Communities in Charge, implemented by CALSTART.

Available Funding

Funding is displayed in real time for the Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project.

Provisionally reserved funds represent applications that are currently under review to move to reserved funds.

Project Overview

The Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure for the purchase and installation of eligible electric vehicle (EV) chargers in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties– with a total of $23 million in available incentive funds.

The Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project is presented in partnership with Clean Power Alliance (CPA).
CPA Clean Power Alliance logo
CEC logo

Eligible Rebates for Level 2 Chargers:

Eligible Rebates Amount per Connector
Base Rebate Up to $3,500, or 75% of project costs, whichever is less
Disadvantaged Community (DAC) or Low-Income Community (LIC) Additional $500
Multi-unit dwelling (MUD) site Additional $2,000

Please note: If the site qualifies as both a DAC and LIC, each Level 2 connector is only eligible for an additional $500.

A minimum of 60% of funding in each county is required to be invested in DAC/LIC applications.

All final rebate amounts are determined by the total eligible project costs. Find out more about eligible site types and eligible rebate amounts for DAC/LIC and non-DAC/LIC applicants in the FAQ section.

You will need the following to begin your application:

  • Authority to apply — All applicants must submit a completed Site Verification Form within 5 calendar days of applying
  • Installation site address
  • TIN/EIN for recipient of rebate check

Requirements & Additional Information

Eligibility Requirements

Project cost requirements:

  • All costs may be incurred starting February 7, 2022 but are incurred at your own risk prior to the date your funds are reserved (e.g., application may be determined ineligible, or funds may be unavailable at time of application)
  • Rebates are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis

Applicant requirements:

  • Be a site owner or their authorized agent with a Site Verification Form submitted within five calendar days of application date
  • Be a business, nonprofit organization, California Native American Tribe listed with the Native American Heritage Commission or a public or government entity based in California or operate as a California-based affiliate
  • Must have a valid California Business License, except public agencies (e.g. municipalities) and Joint Powers Authority agencies.
  • To be eligible for Clean Power Alliance(CPA) funding, be a CPA customer with an installation site in Los Angeles County.

Installation requirements:

  • Use Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certified electricians for the installation of the EV chargers:
    • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure and equipment up to 24.9 kilowatts on customer side of meter is to be installed by a contractor with the appropriate license classification and at least one electrician on each crew, at all times during work hours, who holds EVITP certification
    • If the electric vehicle charging supports a charging port supplying 25 kilowatts or more, at least 25 percent of the total electricians working on each crew, at all times during work hours, must hold EVITP certification.
  • One member of each crew may be both the contractor and the EVITP certified electrician.

Installation site requirements:

  • Located in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino Counties
  • Premises must be well-lit, secure, and in compliance with all federal, state and municipal laws, ordinances, rules, codes, standards and regulations
  • Be an eligible site: commercial (public availability), workplace (Public or private parking facilities, but must be shared use parking spaces), multi-unit dwelling (Public or private parking facilities, but must be shared use parking spaces), or curbside charging
  • Single family residence and assigned parking installations are NOT eligible.

Equipment requirements:

Level 2 Chargers

  • New EV charging equipment
  • ENERGY STAR® Certified
  • Networked: Equipment and network must have remote diagnostics and be capable of “remote start.” Must also be capable of usage data collection. Minimum two-year networking agreement (eligible towards total project cost)
  • Capable of 6.2 kW or greater per connector
  • Use an open standard protocol as a basic framework for purposes of network interoperability.
  • If payment is required, must accept some form of credit cards and multiple forms of payment
  • Must be listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program (NRTL).
  • Equipment must be registered on the CALeVIP project webpage and listed in the application;
    • To list eligible equipment, manufacturers must submit a completed online equipment form.

Eligible Equipment Costs

Eligible Costs

The following equipment and costs are eligible for rebate funds:

  • Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)
  • Transformer
  • Electric Panels
  • Energy storage equipment
  • All-inclusive solar EV charging systems
  • Installation costs (labor and materials)
  • Utility service order
  • Planning and engineering design costs
  • Project signage
  • Network agreement with network provider
  • Extended warranties
  • Stub-outs
  • Design, engineering, and utility service costs,
  • Required ADA upgrades to site due to project, but not to include or cover upgrades of existing ADA non-compliance, and
  • Demand management equipment

Permits as required by authorities having jurisdiction are not eligible costs.
Rebate funds do not cover standalone solar panels.

Application Process

It's easy, just follow the steps below to apply for your rebate:

1. Be an eligible applicant with a qualified installation site.

2. Apply online. Note: all costs can be incurred (at applicant’s risk) starting February 7, 2022.

3. Upload and submit a completed Site Verification Form within 5 calendar days to avoid application cancellation.

4. We review your application and confirm eligibility. Once your application is qualified, your rebate funds are reserved, and you have 270 calendar days (9 months) to complete your project.

5. Upload and submit required Evidence of Permit submittal or, if upgraded or new utility service is required for the project, Utility Service Design submittal documents within 60 calendar days of the Funds Reserved date to avoid application cancellation.

6. Submit your remaining installation documents online for CSE review and processing.

7. Receive your rebate check in the mail within 15 business days of application approval.

Call us at (213) 394-0985 or email