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Central Coast Incentive Project

Presented in partnership with 3CE - Central Coast Community Energy

Monterey, San Benito, And Santa Cruz Counties
Level 2 chargers & DC fast chargers (DCFC)
Level 2 up to $6,500 per Connector, DC Fast Charger up to $80,000 per Charger

The Central Coast Incentive Project is no longer accepting applications, but more rebates might be available through CALeVIP. Additional funding opportunities for Level 2 chargers may be available through Communities in Charge, implemented by CALSTART.

Available Funding

Funding is displayed in real time for the Central Coast Incentive Project with a total funding of $7 million across the three counties shown below.

Provisionally reserved funds represent applications that are currently under review to move to reserved funds.


The Central Coast Incentive Project promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure for the purchase and installation of eligible Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties – with a total of $7 million in available funds.

3CE logo

The Central Coast Incentive Project is presented in partnership with Monterey Bay Community Power.

Eligible rebates for projects in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) (census tracts in the top 50 percent of CalEnviroScreen 3.0 scores) include:

DC Fast Chargers

  • New, stub-out, replacement, or make-ready site: Up to $80,000 per DC fast charger or 80% of total project cost, whichever is less

Level 2 Chargers

  • New, stub-out, replacement, or make-ready site: Up to $5,500 per connector
  • Multi-unit dwelling (MUD): Additional $1,000 per connector

Eligible rebates for projects outside DACs:
DC Fast Chargers

  • New, stub-out, replacement, make-ready site: Up to $70,000 per DC fast charger or 75% of total project cost, whichever is less

Level 2 Chargers

  • New, stub-out, replacement, or make-ready site: Up to $5,000 per connector
  • Multi-unit dwelling (MUD): Additional $1,000 per connector

All final rebate amounts are determined by the total eligible project costs. Find out more about installation site types and eligible rebate amounts for DAC and non-DAC applicants in the FAQ section.

You will need the following to begin your application:

  • Authority to apply — Only property owners or their authorized agents who submit a completed Site Verification Form within 5 days of applying are eligible
  • Installation site address
  • TIN/EIN for recipient of rebate check

Requirements & Additional Information

Eligibility Requirements

Project cost requirements:

  • Design, engineering, and utility service request costs are eligible costs incurred after July 31, 2019 but are incurred at your own risk prior to the date your funds are reserved (e.g. application may be determined ineligible, or funds may be unavailable at time of application)
  • All other project costs incurred prior to the date your funds are reserved are ineligible
  • Rebates are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis

Applicant requirements:

  • Be a site owner or their authorized agent with a Site Verification Form submitted within 5 calendar days of application date
  • Be a business, nonprofit organization, California Native American Tribe listed with the Native American Heritage Commission or a public or government entity based in California or operate as a California-based affiliate

Installation site requirements:

DC Fast Chargers

  • Located in Monterey, San Benito, or Santa Cruz counties
  • Chargers are publicly available 24 hours per day, 365 days a year
  • Charger(s) must not be located behind a fence or in a gated parking lot closed to the public after hours
  • Premises must be well-lit, secure, and in compliance with all federal, state and municipal laws, ordinances, rules, codes, standards and regulations
  • Be an eligible site: urban/suburban retail core, retail shopping center, grocery store, restaurant, gas station, hospital, airport, police or sheriff station, hotel, city/county/privately-owned parking lot or garage, library, casino, public transit hub, or curbside charging
  • All eligible DC fast charger sites are also eligible for Level 2 chargers as part of a combination application

Level 2 Chargers

  • Located in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties
  • Premises must be well-lit, secure, and in compliance with all federal, state and municipal laws, ordinances, rules, codes, standards and regulations
  • Be an eligible site: commercial (public availability), workplace (public or private availability, must be shared use), multi-unit dwelling (public or private availability, must be shared use), public facility, light-duty fleet use (public or private availability, must be shared use), or curbside charging

Equipment requirements:

DC Fast Chargers

  • New EV charging equipment
  • Purchased after the application Funds Reserved date
  • Include DCFC dual standard chargers with both CHAdeMO and SAE CCS connector options
  • Networked: Equipment and network must have remote diagnostics and be capable of “remote start.” Must also be capable of usage data collection. Minimum 5-year networking agreement (eligible towards total project cost)
  • Capable of 50 kW or greater
  • If payment is required, must accept some form of credit cards and multiple forms of payment
  • Must be approved by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program (NRTL)

Level 2 Chargers

  • New EV charging equipment
  • Purchased after the application Funds Reserved date
  • Networked: Equipment and network must have remote diagnostics and be capable of “remote start.” Must also be capable of usage data collection. Minimum 2-year networking agreement (eligible towards total project cost)
  • Capable of 6.2 kW or greater
  • If payment is required, must accept some form of credit cards and multiple forms of payment
  • ENERGY STAR ® Certified

Eligible Equipment Costs

Eligible Costs

The following equipment and costs are eligible for rebate funds under a Level 2 or DC fast charger application in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties.

  • Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)
  • Transformer
  • Electric Panels
  • Energy storage equipment
  • All-inclusive solar EV charging systems
  • Installation costs (labor and materials)
  • Utility service order
  • Planning and engineering design costs
  • Project signage
  • Network agreement with network provider
  • Extended warranties
  • Stub-outs
  • Demand management equipment

Permits as required by authorities having jurisdiction are not eligible costs. Rebate funds do not cover standalone solar panels.

Application Process

It’s easy, just follow the steps below to apply for your rebate:

DC Fast Chargers or Combination DC Fast Charger / Level 2 Charger

1. Be an eligible applicant with a qualified installation site.
2. Apply online prior to purchasing and installing the EV charger(s) and equipment; design, engineering, and utility service requests costs are eligible (at applicant’s risk) after July 31, 2019.
3. If the organization you applied for is not the property owner, upload the Site Verification Form within 5 calendar days to avoid application cancellation.
4. We review your application and confirm eligibility. Once your application is qualified, your rebate funds are reserved, and you have 450 calendar days to complete your project.
5. You can request a milestone payment up to 240 calendar days after your funds are reserved. To request a milestone payment, you must submit a permit, signed application, and design invoice at a minimum.

If your project is complete and all required documents uploaded, final payment can be issued.
6. Receive your rebate check in the mail within 15 business days for milestone payment of up to 60% of your reserved funds.
7. Submit your remaining installation documents online. We will review and process for final payment if full payment was not previously awarded.
8. Receive your final rebate check in the mail within 15 business days.


Level 2 Charger (only)

1. Be an eligible applicant with a qualified installation site.
2. Apply online prior to purchasing and installing the EV charger(s) and equipment; design, engineering, and utility service requests costs are eligible (at applicant’s risk) after July 31, 2019.
3. If the organization you applied for is not the property owner, upload the Site Verification Form within 5 calendar days to avoid application cancellation.
4. We review your application and confirm eligibility. Once your application is qualified, your rebate funds are reserved, and you have 270 calendar days to complete your project.
5. Submit your installation documents online for CSE review and processing.
6. Receive your final rebate check in the mail within 15 business days.
Call us at (831) 264-8870 or email